Final Blog post

I would say that this class has been very interesting for me. I enjoyed learning the different aspects of group work and how to function in a group. These skills are important in everyday life because they will probably still be used in the future. For the first project, collaboration project 1, it gave me the vital skills, meaning the five stages of group dynamics, in order to understand how a group functions. In this up-and-coming group project that we have to present on Thursday, I took those skills and adapted them into this project.  This project is a little bit more researched based in that we needed to research and gather information about a particular topic one chooses. For our topic, we chose to do online therapy and we are advocating that people should use it more often since it is less expensive than normal therapy sessions. Being able to work in groups is an important part of collaboration which is an important part in everyday life.  The two people that I would like to talk about that have influenced me for my blog posts are Bria and Beau.  I liked how Bria combined a lot of lecture material in her blog posts to solidify what we have been learning. I also liked how Beau in one his blog posts used his own personal experiences with social media to reflect on an interview that he had. I would like to nominate Bria because she seems to understand the material very well and does a very good job discussing the content.
My 2 Best Blog Posts
My 2 Best Replies

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Final Blog post

I would say that this class has been very interesting for me. I enjoyed learning the different aspects of group work and how to function i...