Improv post from 9/11/17

New Post 9/11/17
 For my next blog post, I will discuss how improvisation is the key fundamental part of life.  In class, we learned how improvisation for brain storming is key to coming up with great ideas.  In order to try something new, you have to go out and do it and that’s what improvisation is.   However, there must be a common goal which is for both parties to agree, and then they have an excellent scene to act out. For myself I think some of the best comedy scene comes from improvisation.  The comedian can stand up and do a sketch that he just made up on the spot and it will be funny.  But improvisation doesn’t just stem from comedy, it can be for all of the humanities and arts.  I used to play the trumpet and I did some improvisation one time making up things and it was pretty cool.  Improvisation is everywhere in life, whether you like it or not.

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