Corroboration project two post

 The class begins to start working on the second project this past week we phone groups to begin the first stage of this project.  This calls us to design a campaign about some cause that is meaningful to us and a three minute video to go along with it.  I’m with a group that decided to talk about the reasons that people need to get help such as psychiatric factors. We are looking at cases and then we are looking at the health and realizing there is help out there and maybe they could any of these medical conditions that are supposed to harm something. I personally use the CAPS psychology Center on campus and is very beneficial to me.  I often feel less stress after my appointment.  I am interested to see what we finally come up with for this project  since this is a very important issue right now in society.


  1. Hi Will!
    I enjoyed your post and think its awesome that you and your group have such a strong understanding for project 2. Knowing your partners and all being able to communicate is so important for group projects. I also love how you felt open enough to share your experiences at the CAPS center as I see why the issue is so important to you. I look forward to reading your future blog posts and can't wait to see what you and your group come up with for project 2.

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  3. Afternoon Will!
    I liked your post and I am honestly jealous of the progress you and your group has made on this project. You seem to have it all figured out and know your topic and what you want to do with it. I have never heard of CAPS but I am glad it works for you and I may read more into it as I have felt stressed recently as well. Good luck on your project and if you don't mind I might use some of your ideas on my own project.


Final Blog post

I would say that this class has been very interesting for me. I enjoyed learning the different aspects of group work and how to function i...